1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115
mod node;
mod node_children;
mod node_text;
mod text_info;
pub(crate) use self::node::Node;
pub(crate) use self::node_children::NodeChildren;
pub(crate) use self::node_text::NodeText;
pub(crate) use self::text_info::TextInfo;
// Type used for storing tree metadata, such as byte and char length.
pub(crate) type Count = u64;
// Real constants used in release builds.
#[cfg(not(any(test, feature = "small_chunks")))]
mod constants {
use super::{Node, TextInfo};
use smallvec::SmallVec;
use std::{
mem::{align_of, size_of},
// Because stdlib's max is not const for some reason.
// TODO: replace with stdlib max once it's const.
const fn cmax(a: usize, b: usize) -> usize {
if a > b {
} else {
// Aim for Node + Arc counters to be 1024 bytes. Keeping the nodes
// multiples of large powers of two makes it easier for the memory
// allocator to avoid fragmentation.
const TARGET_TOTAL_SIZE: usize = 1024;
// Space that the strong and weak Arc counters take up in `ArcInner`.
const ARC_COUNTERS_SIZE: usize = size_of::<std::sync::atomic::AtomicUsize>() * 2;
// Misc useful info that we need below.
const NODE_CHILDREN_ALIGN: usize = cmax(align_of::<Arc<u8>>(), align_of::<TextInfo>());
const NODE_TEXT_ALIGN: usize = align_of::<SmallVec<[u8; 16]>>();
const START_OFFSET: usize = {
// The +NODE_INNER_ALIGN is because of Node's enum discriminant.
// Node maximums.
#[doc(hidden)] // NOT PART OF THE PUBLIC API!
pub const MAX_CHILDREN: usize = {
let node_list_align = align_of::<Arc<u8>>();
let info_list_align = align_of::<TextInfo>();
let field_gap = if node_list_align >= info_list_align {
} else {
// This is over-conservative, because in reality it depends
// on the number of elements. But handling that is probably
// more complexity than it's worth.
info_list_align - node_list_align
// The -NODE_CHILDREN_ALIGN is for the `len` field in `NodeChildrenInternal`.
target_size / (size_of::<Arc<u8>>() + size_of::<TextInfo>())
#[doc(hidden)] // NOT PART OF THE PUBLIC API!
pub const MAX_BYTES: usize = {
let smallvec_overhead = size_of::<SmallVec<[u8; 16]>>() - 16;
TARGET_TOTAL_SIZE - START_OFFSET - smallvec_overhead
// Node minimums.
// Note: MIN_BYTES is intentionally a little smaller than half
// MAX_BYTES, to give a little wiggle room when on the edge of
// merging/splitting.
#[doc(hidden)] // NOT PART OF THE PUBLIC API!
pub const MIN_CHILDREN: usize = MAX_CHILDREN / 2;
#[doc(hidden)] // NOT PART OF THE PUBLIC API!
pub const MIN_BYTES: usize = (MAX_BYTES / 2) - (MAX_BYTES / 32);
// Compile-time assertion.
const _: () = {
"`Node` is not the target size in memory.",
// Smaller constants used in debug builds. These are different from release
// in order to trigger deeper trees without having to use huge text data in
// the tests.
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "small_chunks"))]
mod test_constants {
#[doc(hidden)] // NOT PART OF THE PUBLIC API!
pub const MAX_CHILDREN: usize = 5;
#[doc(hidden)] // NOT PART OF THE PUBLIC API!
pub const MIN_CHILDREN: usize = MAX_CHILDREN / 2;
// MAX_BYTES must be >= 4 to allow for 4-byte utf8 characters.
#[doc(hidden)] // NOT PART OF THE PUBLIC API!
pub const MAX_BYTES: usize = 9; // Note: can't be 8, because 3-byte characters.
#[doc(hidden)] // NOT PART OF THE PUBLIC API!
pub const MIN_BYTES: usize = (MAX_BYTES / 2) - (MAX_BYTES / 32);
#[cfg(not(any(test, feature = "small_chunks")))]
pub use self::constants::{MAX_BYTES, MAX_CHILDREN, MIN_BYTES, MIN_CHILDREN};
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "small_chunks"))]
pub use self::test_constants::{MAX_BYTES, MAX_CHILDREN, MIN_BYTES, MIN_CHILDREN};