use crate::Context;
use super::{Decode, Decoder, EntriesDecoder, EntryDecoder, SizeHint};
/// Trait governing how to decode a sequence of pairs.
pub trait MapDecoder<'de> {
/// Context associated with the decoder.
type Cx: ?Sized + Context;
/// The decoder to use for a key.
type DecodeEntry<'this>: EntryDecoder<'de, Cx = Self::Cx>
Self: 'this;
/// Decoder returned by [`MapDecoder::decode_remaining_entries`].
type DecodeRemainingEntries<'this>: EntriesDecoder<'de, Cx = Self::Cx>
Self: 'this;
/// Get a size hint of known remaining elements.
fn size_hint(&self) -> SizeHint {
/// Decode the next key. This returns `Ok(None)` where there are no more
/// elements to decode.
#[must_use = "Decoders must be consumed"]
fn decode_entry(
&mut self,
) -> Result<Option<Self::DecodeEntry<'_>>, <Self::Cx as Context>::Error>;
/// Return simplified decoder for remaining entries.
fn decode_remaining_entries(
&mut self,
) -> Result<Self::DecodeRemainingEntries<'_>, <Self::Cx as Context>::Error>;
/// Decode the next map entry as a tuple.
fn entry<K, V>(&mut self) -> Result<Option<(K, V)>, <Self::Cx as Context>::Error>
K: Decode<'de, <Self::Cx as Context>::Mode>,
V: Decode<'de, <Self::Cx as Context>::Mode>,
let Some(mut entry) = self.decode_entry()? else {
return Ok(None);
let key = entry.decode_key()?.decode()?;
let value = entry.decode_value()?.decode()?;
Ok(Some((key, value)))