use crate::int::continuation as c;
use crate::int::zigzag as zig;
use crate::int::{Signed, Unsigned, UnsignedOps};
use crate::{Context, Options, Reader, Writer};
pub(crate) fn encode_unsigned<C, W, T, const OPT: Options>(
cx: &C,
writer: W,
value: T,
) -> Result<(), C::Error>
C: ?Sized + Context,
W: Writer,
T: Unsigned + UnsignedOps,
match crate::options::integer::<OPT>() {
crate::options::Integer::Variable => c::encode(cx, writer, value),
crate::options::Integer::Fixed => {
let bo = crate::options::byteorder::<OPT>();
value.write_bytes(cx, writer, bo)
pub(crate) fn decode_unsigned<'de, C, R, T, const OPT: Options>(
cx: &C,
reader: R,
) -> Result<T, C::Error>
C: ?Sized + Context,
R: Reader<'de>,
T: UnsignedOps,
match crate::options::integer::<OPT>() {
crate::options::Integer::Variable => c::decode(cx, reader),
_ => {
let bo = crate::options::byteorder::<OPT>();
T::read_bytes(cx, reader, bo)
pub(crate) fn encode_signed<C, W, T, const OPT: Options>(
cx: &C,
writer: W,
value: T,
) -> Result<(), C::Error>
C: ?Sized + Context,
W: Writer,
T: Signed,
T::Unsigned: UnsignedOps,
match crate::options::integer::<OPT>() {
crate::options::Integer::Variable => c::encode(cx, writer, zig::encode(value)),
crate::options::Integer::Fixed => {
let bo = crate::options::byteorder::<OPT>();
value.unsigned().write_bytes(cx, writer, bo)
pub(crate) fn decode_signed<'de, C, R, T, const OPT: Options>(
cx: &C,
reader: R,
) -> Result<T, C::Error>
C: ?Sized + Context,
R: Reader<'de>,
T: Signed,
T::Unsigned: UnsignedOps,
match crate::options::integer::<OPT>() {
crate::options::Integer::Variable => {
let value: T::Unsigned = c::decode(cx, reader)?;
crate::options::Integer::Fixed => {
let bo = crate::options::byteorder::<OPT>();
Ok(T::Unsigned::read_bytes(cx, reader, bo)?.signed())
pub(crate) fn encode_usize<C, W, const OPT: Options>(
cx: &C,
writer: W,
value: usize,
) -> Result<(), C::Error>
C: ?Sized + Context,
W: Writer,
match crate::options::length::<OPT>() {
crate::options::Integer::Variable => c::encode(cx, writer, value),
_ => {
let bo = crate::options::byteorder::<OPT>();
macro_rules! fixed {
($ty:ty) => {{
let Ok(value) = <$ty>::try_from(value) else {
return Err(cx.message("Size type out of bounds for value type"));
<$ty as UnsignedOps>::write_bytes(value, cx, writer, bo)
crate::options::width_arm!(crate::options::length_width::<OPT>(), fixed)
pub(crate) fn decode_usize<'de, C, R, const OPT: Options>(
cx: &C,
reader: R,
) -> Result<usize, C::Error>
C: ?Sized + Context,
R: Reader<'de>,
match crate::options::length::<OPT>() {
crate::options::Integer::Variable => c::decode(cx, reader),
_ => {
let bo = crate::options::byteorder::<OPT>();
macro_rules! fixed {
($ty:ty) => {{
let Ok(value) =
usize::try_from(<$ty as UnsignedOps>::read_bytes(cx, reader, bo)?)
else {
return Err(cx.message("Value type out of bounds for usize"));
crate::options::width_arm!(crate::options::length_width::<OPT>(), fixed)