
Traits in rune defines a collection associated items. Once a trait is implemented by a type we can be sure that all the associated names it defines are present on the type.

Traits allow us to reason about types more abstractly, such as this is an iterator.


As usual, Rune doesn't permit more than one definition of an associated name. Attempting to define more than one with the same name results in a build-time error. This is in contrast to Rust which allows multiple traits with overlapping methods to be defined. So why doesn't Rune allow for this?

Since Rune is a dynamic language, consider what would happen in a situation like this:

fn main() {
struct Foo {
    /* .. */

impl Iterator for Foo {
    fn next(self) {
        /* .. */

impl OtherIterator for Foo {
    fn next(self) {
        /* .. */

let foo = Foo {
    /* .. */

// Which implementation of `next` should we call?
while let Some(value) = {


Since there are no type parameters we can't solve the ambiguity by either only having one trait defining the method in scope or by using an unambigious function qualified function call.


In the background the user-facing implementation of traits is done by implementing protocols just before. Protocols are still used by the virtual machine to call functions.

The separation that protocols provide is important because we don't want a user to accidentally implement an associated method which would then be picked up by a trait. Protocols are uniquely defined in their own namespace and cannot be invoked in user code.

As an example, to implement the Iterator trait you have to implement the NEXT protocol. So if the NEXT protocol is present and we request that the ::std::iter::Iterator trait should be implemented, the NEXT protocol implementation is used to construct all the relevant associated methods. This is done by calling Module::implement_trait.

fn main() {
let mut m = Module::with_item(["module"]);

#[rune(item = "module")]
struct Iter {
    /* .. */

impl Iter {
    #[rune::function(keep, protocol = NEXT)]
    fn size_hint(&self) -> Option<bool> {

    #[rune::function(keep, protocol = SIZE_HINT)]
    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
        (1, None)

Note that this allows the Iter type above to specialize its SIZE_HINT implementation. If the SIZE_HINT protocol was not defined, a default implementation would be provided by the trait.

As a result of implementing the ::std::iter::Iterator trait, the Iter type now automatically gets all the iterator-associated function added to it. So not only can you call Iter::next to advance the iterator, but also make use of combinators such as filter:

fn main() {
let it = /* construct Iter */;

for value in it.filter(|v| v != true) {

Defining a trait

Defining a trait is currently a low-level module operation. It's done by implementing a handler which will be called to populate the relevant methods when the trait is implement. Such as this snippet for the Iterator trait:

fn main() {
let mut m = Module::with_crate("std", ["iter"]);

let mut t = m.define_trait(["Iterator"])?;

t.handler(|cx| {
    let next = cx.find(Protocol::NEXT)?;
    cx.function_handler("next", &next)?;

    let size_hint = if let Some(size_hint) = cx.try_find(Protocol::SIZE_HINT)? {
        cx.function_handler("size_hint", &size_hint)?;
    } else {
        let size_hint = cx.function("size_hint", |_: Value| (0usize, None::<usize>))?;
        cx.function_handler(Protocol::SIZE_HINT, &size_hint)?;

    /* more methods */

Calling find requires that NEXT is implemented. We can also see that the implementation for SIZE_HINT will fall back to a default implementation if it's not implemented. The appropriate protocol is also populated if it's missing. All the relevant associated functions are also provided, such as and value.size_hint().