pub trait FloatPolicy: Sealed {
type F32: FloatRepr<f32>;
type F64: FloatRepr<f64>;
Expand description
A policy for handling floating point types in a Key.
Currently there are two important FloatPolicy
types: RejectFloatPolicy
and OrderedFloat. The former will emit errors instead of allowing floats
to be serialized and the latter while serialize them and provide a total
order which does not adhere to the IEEE standard.
Example using a non-default float policy:
use serde_hashkey::{Key, Float, to_key_with_ordered_float, OrderedFloat, OrderedFloatPolicy};
let a: Key<OrderedFloatPolicy> = to_key_with_ordered_float(&42.42f32)?;
assert!(matches!(a, Key::Float(Float::F32(OrderedFloat(..)))));
let b: Key<OrderedFloatPolicy> = to_key_with_ordered_float(&42.42f64)?;
assert!(matches!(b, Key::Float(Float::F64(OrderedFloat(..)))));